Week beginning Sunday 23 February

Details of services are in the Worship section of this website (click here).
Prayer intentions from Anglican, diocesan, deanery and parish prayer cycles are also on the same worship pages.
For the calendar, listing everything happening each day, see the website Calendar (click here).
Other notices are shown below.

Donations are welcome for MARAH and the FOOD BANK. There is a collection point at the back of church.

BENEFICE CHURCH CAMP – This year’s church camp will take place on 4, 5 and 6 July at Greenacres Campsite in the Forest of Dean. This year's theme will be ‘The Earth beneath our Feet’. Please use the sign-up sheet at the back of the church to register your interest.

ELECTORAL ROLL – This year we are obliged to complete a new Electoral Roll. If you wish to be included on the Roll, everyone needs to complete an application form (even if you are already on the existing roll as this roll will no longer be valid). An application form can be found in the box at the back of the Porch Room or from me, Jackie Natt (01453 731018). Please return the completed and signed form, either directly to me, or to my pigeon hole (under 'N'), or to the address at the bottom of the form. The new Electoral Roll will be available for viewing in April. 






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