Details of services are in the Worship section of this website (click here).
Prayer intentions from Anglican, diocesan, deanery and parish prayer cycles are also on the same worship pages.
For the calendar, listing everything happening each day, see the website Calendar (click here).
Other notices are shown below.
Donations are welcome for MARAH and the FOOD BANK. There is a collection point at the back of church.
THE BEREAVEMENT JOURNEY COURSE: A Place to Talk – Presented jointly by Holy Trinity, Minchinhampton and Minchinhampton Baptist Church (MBC). Working with grief and the loss of a loved one takes a long time. The Bereavement Journey® is a 7-session programme which assists bereaved people, or those who have experienced similar, to process their loss. Each session begins with light refreshments and the opportunity to get to know other participants. The next Course dates are Thursday 24 April – Thursday 5 June: depending on the number of guest applications, one or two courses may be run in the late afternoon or evening, in the Porch Room, Holy Trinity, Minchinhampton. Registration costs £22, which is a contribution to the cost of the course handbook and refreshments. (Grants are available where this small charge would be challenging.) Application forms are available at Holy Trinity or the Baptist Church or from, or by email to
LENT LUNCH on Wednesday 19 March. A simple lunch of soup and a roll to be served in the porch room from 12 noon to 1.30 p.m.
LENT BOOKS – The parish church library has resources particularly for guiding us through the Lent season; many are on the front stands – please feel free to take from there. A wide range of other Lent material (hard copy and electronic) is available at
SHAPES FOR LIVING Lent Course – The next session is on Tuesday 18 March at 12 noon in the Porch Room. There’s no need to book; if you would like to come along, please do.
FAIRTRADE EASTER EGGS – The Real Easter Egg is the only one that has a copy of the Easter story in the box, is made of Fairtrade chocolate and supports charitable projects These will be on sale at church after the 10.00 a.m. Eucharist while stocks last, at £5.50 – cash only.
CHURCHYARD TIDY-UP – Saturday 29 March from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon (with a coffee break). All welcome. Bring appropriate tools if possible.
BOOKSHOP IN CHURCH – We are appealing for donations of books to sell in a bookshop at the back of the church. This is to help grow our income for the church. There is a donation box for books at the back of the church; if you could kindly donate any books, we would be most grateful.
Relaunch of the UP TO 20p CHALLENGE – We are now asking for 5, 10 and 20 pence pieces to go into our small jars, to increase income to help the church. Please bring any full jars to church on a Sunday, or to the Church Office in Butt Street. Thank you.
WI POP-UP SALE – The WI are holding a pop-up sale at Muinchinhamptin Scout Hut on Saturday 26 April from 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. If you wish to donate any items, they will be gratefully received from 1.00 p.m. that day. Should any items not be sold, they will be donated to the Horsfall House Shop or the Longfield Hospice Shop. Tea. coffee and cake will be served!
THE DRAMA OF THE PASSION – On Palm Sunday this year we will hear the account of the Passion from Luke’s Gospel read in dramatic form. If you would like to take a role (or two!) in this moving event, please speak to Margaret Sheather or Tony Cooper, or email them by clicking on their names in this paragraph