Week beginning Sunday 19 January

Details of services are in the Worship section of this website (click here).
Prayer intentions from Anglican, diocesan, deanery and parish prayer cycles are also on the same worship pages.
For the calendar, listing everything happening each day, see the website Calendar (click here).
Other notices are shown below.

Donations are welcome for MARAH and the FOOD BANK. There is a collection point at the back of church.

Volunteer for CHURCH WELCOME GROUP – We have a steady footfall of locals and visitors each day. What an opportunity to offer a warm welcome on weekdays, maybe some refreshment, and be available for a chat!  Please volunteer for an hour or two each week! Show your interest on the list at the back of church or contact the office – we will then meet to share ideas on how this might work for us.

GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE (formerly GideonsUK) – We look forward to welcoming Jim Coubrough and Graham Highton chair of the Gloucester branch of GNfE will be with us on Sunday 26 January, ‘Bible Sunday’, to talk about the work of the GNfE.




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