Details of services are in the Worship section of this website (click here).
Prayer intentions from Anglican, diocesan, deanery and parish prayer cycles are also on the same worship pages.
For the calendar, listing everything happening each day, see the website Calendar (click here).
Other notices are shown below.
Donations are welcome for MARAH and the FOOD BANK. There is a collection point at the back of church.
BENEFICE OFFICE HOURS –The office will be closed from 23 December to 7 January. News sheets for those weeks have been printed.
PRAYER MINISTRY – There will be people offering prayer ministry in the Lady Chapel at the end of the 10 a.m. Eucharist on 12 January. Please come along if you wish to be prayed for.
THE BAYNHAM MONUMENT – Conservation work will take place this week by Centreline Stone to remove the beautiful 17th-century monument from its almost hidden current position in the choir vestry to its new position. This will be with other relocated memorials inside the nave doors, on the left wall of the entrance to the baptistery and is as advised by our architect and as permitted by a full faculty. We thank the Minchinhampton Local History Association for working with us and for sponsoring and fundraising for the work. We have planned around existing bookings to avoid disruption; there will be no work taking place on Friday.
Volunteer for CHURCH WELCOME GROUP – We have a steady footfall of locals and visitors each day. What an opportunity to offer a warm welcome on weekdays, maybe some refreshment, and be available for a chat! Please volunteer for an hour or two each week! Show your interest on the list at the back of church or contact the office – we will then meet to share ideas on how this might work for us.
FRIDAY LUNCH CLUB – The next Friday lunch is on 17 January and there are sign-up sheets to assist with catering, and those with specific dietary requirements, at the back of church. Further information, Stephen or Linda Jarvis 01453 884545.