PCC Minutes October 2022



Minutes of meeting held on Monday 17th October 2022 at 7.30pm in the Porch Room


Present: The Revd Canon Howard Gilbert (Rector and Chair), Angie Ayling (Churchwarden), Caroline Thackray (Churchwarden), John Jutsum (Treasurer), Margaret Sheather (PCC Secretary and Deanery Synod), Jackie Natt (Deanery Synod), Joan Goldsmith, Judith Cleever,

The Rector opened the meeting with prayer





Apologies:  Julian Elloway; Alison Wood; Tracey Clements; Linda Jarvis, Coral Francis; Ian Jarvis



Minutes of the previous meeting held on 20th September 

These were agreed without amendment.



Matters Arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda

  • Hospitality group chairing arrangements – It is expected that Darren and Jackie will be sharing this and JN is arranging a handover meeting with CG.
  • Additional adult for Junior Church – not yet progressed.  HG to announce the need at a service.
  • JJ reported that EIO has now agreed the quote for the wall repair.







Rector’s Report

    1. Foundation Governor – still pending.  MS to ask those suggested by Standing Committee.
    2. Churchyard signs – the proposed signage layout was passed round having had minor amendments made at Standing Committee.  They will be erected on posts in three places: by the kissing gate, near the ashes interment plots and by the water tap.  Costs are £35 per sign with wooden post and £90 for installation.  Agreed.

JN asked for clarification about what might be involved in the proposed grave maintenance scheme and AA stated that it was more detailed tidying up than the general maintenance provides.

    1. Avening and Cherington – two candidates have been shortlisted for interview on 31st October.
    2. Sharing with MBC- a few comments have been received so far and things went reasonably well on the first occasion.  Clearing up from the 9.15 and setting up for 10.45 didn’t clash in the gap between the two services.  It needs to be stressed to MBC people that they can come in for coffee whenever they arrive. 

Related issue of acoustics – need to return to proposal of a small group to explore options.  MS to follow up.

    1. Community Hub – meeting on Thursday 20th re legal and financial arrangements.
    2. Busy Bags – Deborah Smith has agreed to sort these out. 
    3. School House Trust – has agreed three grants to Junior Church, Junior Choir and Messy Church.



















    1. Quarterly accounts – JJ spoke to his report noting a rather disappointing quarter with planned giving down significantly with six people’s contributions having been lost, much as expected, during the course of the year.  Collections are up as are rentals of the Church and Porch Room.  Fees were well down because there were very few funerals in this quarter.

Big additional item is Repairs and Maintenance with the two inspections – electrical and Quinquennial being the two key items.

Result for the quarter is a deficit of £5,000 and for the year to date of £830, and an impact on reserves.  Lilian South fund usually helps the fourth quarter, but there are further items already committed.

Organ/6Ps fund now stands at £178K in cash and pledges.

MS suggested that at least part of the additional costs on Repairs and Maintenance should come from the Fabric Fund, given the overall pressures on our general funds.  There was a discussion about this, and it was agreed with JJ against.

JN asked when the Parish Share for next year is decided.  JJ will present the budget proposals next month and the Parish Share is usually the balancing figure once other obligations are met.

    1. Energy costs grant – national grant noted and HG has registered the Hub for the purposes of entitlement to grant















JJ to amend



Fabric and Churchyard

    1. Organ project update – JJ spoke to Leonora and Warwick’s report and noted the increased cost to reflect inflation.  The overall suggestion is that we should sign on this now, despite the increase, in order to avoid any further change.  It would leave an exposure of £50K but if fund-raising rate continues at the present rate it should comfortably cover this.

HG agreed that we should sign a contract but needed to confirm which level of restoration to go for.   Discussion of the two options took place including JJ noting that reverting to the 2-manual option might mean some donors asking for their donations back. 

 Following discussion it was Agreed to sign a contract to continue with the 3-manual option, with one abstention.  Both Churchwardens to sign.

    1. Fabric report - CT confirmed live-streaming cabling work has been done.

Electrical Inspection – IJ met Che to work out priorities from the recent report and link these up with the Quinquennial report and ensure that we understood the implications.  His report had been circulated.  The merits of having a preferred contractor to do the necessary work were discussed and it is in any case difficult to get another firm that is able to take on the work in a reasonable timescale.

Agreed that AJ Smith should be the preferred contractor for the next two years.  Priority is C2 items and then C3.  A costed list is needed to enable planning and sequencing of work.

IJ’s report was much appreciated and in aiding PCC understanding of the issues and priorities.

Quote for gutter clearing – two received, but the cheaper one is not based on a site visit.  Previous contractor (Coopers) was much cheaper previously and will be approached to also quote for this work.

Noted continuing work with the Parish Council on repair of the flagpole.

Pollarding can proceed because there have been no comments in relation to the conservation notice.

    1. Church temperature – HG raised the question whether, because of energy costs and environmental issues we should reduce the temperature by one degree other than from December –February.  JN suggested running it at current temperature until February and then trying it at 17 for three or four months.  It was agreed to return to this in February and in the meantime check with MJ what the advice was about temperature when the system was installed.











JJ and wardens



























MS confirmed that the handover had taken place to John Cleever as Parish Safeguarding Officer and alerted members to likely contact with them about DBS and training.

We may need to update policy particularly contact details.  MS to circulate for comments.







Deanery Synod report – noted



St Barnabas, Box – nothing to report.  Coral to update at next meeting,



Electoral Roll update - 215



Any Other Business

JN enquired about getting a mobile card reader.  JJ confirmed that Vicki is researching the options on this but that it should be possible at least to borrow one in time for Traidcraft Christmas fair. 



The meeting closed with the Grace at 9.35pm

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