PCC Minutes June 2022



Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 21st June 2022 at 7.30pm in the Porch Room


Present: The Revd Canon Howard Gilbert (Rector and Chair), Revd Coral Francis (Curate),  Angie Ayling (Churchwarden), Caroline Thackray (Churchwarden), Margaret Sheather (PCC Secretary and Deanery Synod), Jackie Natt (Deanery Synod), Ian Jarvis, Tracey Clements, Julian Elloway (Deanery Synod), Joan Goldsmith, Judith Cleever.

The Rector opened the meeting with prayer





Apologies: Alison Wood; John Jutsum; Linda Jarvis; William Reddaway



Minutes of the meeting held on 24th May 2022 (previously circulated)

These were approved



Matters Arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda

    1. Newcomers’ tea – CF reminded the meeting about arrangements for 3rd July gathering at 3pm and asked for further attendance and contributions. 
    2. Update on installation of live-streaming – CT reported that this has been completed.  The cabinet looks good and, despite some initial difficulties including the need to raise an additional flagstone in the north aisle, all went well in the end,

This experience has identified the need for access hatches to be installed in the sacristy and choir vestry at least to make any future work simpler.  Mark Hancock is doing some research on how this could be achieved and will report back to CT.

It hasn’t proved possible entirely to use existing cable routes as proposed in the faculty, so the engineer is going to propose a variation to the faculty to enable completion.  The hub also needs to be relocated but this may be too costly to do at the moment.  IJ will work with the wardens to propose the appropriate way forward re this.

    1. Appointment of welcomers/sidespersons – the list had been circulated and was agreed.















Rector’s Report

    1. Updated employee handbook – Approval was proposed by HG and seconded by CF.  Approved and to be reviewed annually.


    1. Vision implementation discussion

Churchyard and ecology.  A paper had been circulated by Gerald South about the active and environmentally sensitive management of the churchyard on behalf of a small group that has started work on this aspect of the vision. This was very much welcomed and the wardens were asked to feed this back to GS.

TC noted that the signs about what is permitted in the churchyard need renewing as inappropriate items are coming back.  This should be a properly made notice now and TC will ask for a quote.

Jenny Smith is leading an Eco Group with a wider focus.

Keeping in touch with older people unable to attend church JN has been following up concerns expressed about the difficulty of keeping contact with people who are no longer able to attend church and are not able to use online methods. There are several strands to this:

  • The wish to be useful e.g. knitting, collecting change, writing cards.
  • Keeping in touch with what is happening in the church and it is suggested that the weekly news should be delivered by hand to those who can’t attend.
  • Supporting prayer with a list for specific projects/activities
  • Some social time such as a coffee morning, though this needs to be carefully worked out to ensure it is feasible both for those attending and those catering.  SE has suggested after Wednesday 11am service and this seems promising though it may need to start monthly rather than weekly. 
  • Also request for periodic healing services.

A key issue is how to identify and then make contact with the appropriate individuals and find out what they are interested in.  It was agreed to start by asking at church for people to put forward names and then implement the weekly news proposal.  Other actions can then follow.

Worship – Gerald South has joined All Age Worship group is and bringing fresh ideas.

The first pet pageant is on 26th June and is likely to become an annual event

HG and Chloe Reddaway have planned a three-lecture series in the autumn and this should develop further for the future.

Work is ongoing with MBC re shared activity including potential for a trial of sharing the worship space, though with separate service, in October when repairs are being made to the Baptist Church.

Acoustics – the engineers have done some re-programming of the system including tuning to get better production particularly of men’s voices and improve generally re the echo and there was plenty of positive feedback on Sunday.  HG and DC have also had the opportunity to learn about the system.

The echo was discussed the echo in more detail with the engineers and one option is to install banners - we had some before and these could be revived or new ones made e.g. by church groups, community groups, individuals.  Baffle panels are another option but are likely to cost about £10K and would make the building less attractive to choirs. 

It was agreed to allow the newly tuned system to take effect for a month or two and then review the need for further action. 

Being visible – this is about getting better at letting people, including visitors, to know about all the good things we do, and also linking this to the prayer list (above).  VH will be able to help with this as it’s her area of expertise.  The best way to do this was thought to be a big board that is easily visible to visitors but can be moved out of the way on Sundays.




























HG/JN to develop


























    1. Electrical contractor

AA reminded the meeting that a full condition assessment is needed for the Quinquennial Survey but we also need an ongoing link with a contractor for general purposes.  Two quotations had been circulated for PCC consideration

JJ had raised a query via email about whether the costs quoted are really comparable particularly re high access.  AA responded that we are looking at like for like because AJ Smith saw the building, are familiar with it anyway and use ladders for access.  The other company prepared their quotation without visiting. 

An additional advantage is that the lead person for AJ Smith lives locally.

AA proposed and IJ seconded that the quotation from AJ Smith should be accepted.  Agreed



Any Other Business

    1. A sculptor has offered the opportunity to display a contemporary sculpture of the Last Supper and it was agreed to invite the sculptor to come and discuss with the Rector and wardens.
    2. TC reported having found that significant documentation from the church has continued to be stored in the Trap House probably since the dispersal for the re-ordering, which may mean other items are still with members of the congregation. She proposed that an appeal should be issued for people to identify what they have so it can all be audited.  This was supported.
    3. Caius College Cambridge is here recording from 11th – 14th July and arrangements for other activities in that time were confirmed.
    4. JG reported there are 11 Ukrainian families in Minchinhampton, Box and Amberley and she is in touch, because of her role with Rotary, with the co-ordinator.  There was a brief discussion about ways to ensure they are generally well-advised and supported and JG will report back in due course.







TC and wardens


The meeting concluded with the Grace at 9.35pm

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