Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 19th July 2022 at 7.30pm in the Porch Room
Present: The Revd Canon Howard Gilbert (Rector and Chair), Revd Coral Francis (Curate), Linda Jarvis (Reader), Angie Ayling (Churchwarden), John Jutsum (Treasurer), Margaret Sheather (PCC Secretary and Deanery Synod), Jackie Natt (Deanery Synod), Ian Jarvis, Tracey Clements, Julian Elloway (Deanery Synod), Joan Goldsmith, Judith Cleever, William Reddaway
The Rector opened the meeting with prayer
Apologies: Alison Wood; Caroline Thackray
Minutes of the meeting held on 21st June 2022
These were agreed without amendment
Matters Arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda
There were none.
Rector’s Report
- Exploratory conversations with MBC – HG reported that there had been a further meeting where it was agreed that we wanted to continue to explore working more closely together in an evolutionary way over a year to 18 months. An early opportunity for specific shared work is two weeks in October when the Baptist church is having its roof replaced.
The plan will become known as we move towards October, but without a major announcement at this stage. JN suggested opportunities for feedback should be provided.
The big challenge as discussions develop is how to have the best of both churches’ worship and activities, including community service.
- Churchyard rules – HG referred back to the decisions made by the PCC about this in 2021 and the limits set on entitlement to be buried in the churchyard. An issue was raised recently that a recently deceased person with long past connections to the parish was not able to be buried here. Therefore HG suggested that we might extend our permission to people who grew up in the town, even if not living here recently. It wouldn’t make a big difference to numbers and HG has also estimated there is still possible 30 years of space left.
The adjustment was agreed.
- Sculpture – the Last Supper sculpture has been installed in the Lady Chapel (not without difficulty!) It needs a press release and social media announcements to attract visitors as there are lots of points of interest when it is examined closely. People are encouraged to touch the sculpture.
We also need to identify the next venue for it to move on to.
- House for Duty post - no applicants have been received this time for the post in Avening and Cherington so it is being re-advertised.
For action
- Second quarter accounts – JJ spoke to his circulated report and notes.
- Mainly continues the pattern from the first quarter with planned giving declining, largely due to deaths of generous givers. This is hidden at the moment because general donations are currently well up.
- In response to a question JJ explained the nature of the Lilian South Trust
- Porch room and church rent is about right but concerts and lectures below estimate, but this is partly because Music in Country Churches asked for their payment to go to the organ fund.
- Wedding and funeral fees are making a good contribution
- He has paid Parish Share for this quarter as budgeted
- Need to understand why fuel use is up in this quarter
- Noted need to charge for cleaning and verger time in future for major bookings, such as recordings, also to set a more realistic fee for recording sessions and similar.
- HG reported that surveyors and solicitors are ready to offer options for charges for the Community Hub.
The outcome is a small surplus of just over £4,000, which now takes us over the required amount for reserves. JJ proposes not to make any change at this point but to consider in the autumn making an additional payment to Parish Share.
Organ fund is now close to £140,000.
Fabric and Churchyard
- Revised cable routes for live-streaming cameras – AA reported that the revised route has been agreed under the original Faculty. It is not yet known when the cabling work will be done or when the stone gaps will be filled in. JN asked whether AA had responded to IJ’s email querying the agreed route. AA had responded that she had simply been guided by the expertise of the installers.
- Churchyard - Quotes for the pollarding work have been received and will be brought to PCC in September. They are in the region of £1,600. The churchyard group led by Gerald South is meeting in August to develop plans.
- Electrical inspection is going on now.
Nothing to report
St Barnabas, Box
CF and Gerald South are going to take shared responsibility for Box and are developing how that will work. They are working on some events for later in the year: bring and share brunch; event for jubilee of Box church; crib service. Coral will join the Box Committee.
Electoral Roll update
216 – some reductions and additions
Any Other Business
- HG announced a series of lectures in the autumn by Chloe Reddaway and Gerald South and then one by Julian in the New Year.
- Coral is running a basic Christianity course called Start and it will be advertised at the Big Top service.
- Gloucestershire bundles – It was agreed to include this in the harvest appeal and have a box at church generally for donations. Put an article in September magazine.
- Newcomers’ event was very enjoyable and we garnered some names and addresses and some volunteers.
- In response to a question re sacrificial giving item in SC notes and the timing of any action, HG said it would be picked up at Stewardship Committee on 20th July.
The meeting ended at 9.05 pm with the Grace.
Additional note
Eco Church
A report on the initial meeting of the Eco Church Steering Group had been omitted from the agenda and was dealt with subsequently by email. In response to the report proposing work on the first, Bronze, level award the PCC made a formal commitment to improving the environmental credentials of the church by endorsing the undertaking of work towards an Eco Church.