PCC MInutes February 2023



Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 28th February 2023 at 7.30pm in the Porch Room


Present: The Revd Canon Howard Gilbert (Rector and Chair), Revd Coral Francis (Curate),  Linda Jarvis (Reader),  Caroline Thackray (Churchwarden), John Jutsum (Treasurer), Margaret Sheather (PCC Secretary and Deanery Synod), Jackie Natt (Deanery Synod), Julian Elloway (Deanery Synod), Joan Goldsmith, Judith Cleever

The Rector opened the meeting with prayer





Apologies:  Ian Jarvis; Tracey Clements; Alison Wood; William Reddaway; Angie Ayling



Minutes of the previous meeting held on 24th January

William Reddaway to be added as attending.  Agreed subject to this amendment.



Matters Arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda

CT reported that it is planned to wind up the warm space offer at the end of March.

LJ asked about the reference to the possible financial benefits of people being around to welcome those using the warm space.  HG explained that other places have found that a warm welcome tended to increase the likelihood and value of a donation.



Rector’s Report

    1. Coronation preparations – the flag pole now works; Warwick has agreed to provide accompaniment for those attending the church screening of the service to sing the hymns; flower guild will do a special series of arrangements; bells will ring.  Fizz and cake after the 10am service on 7th.
    2. Acoustic boards – HG summarised the known issue about the problems with the church acoustic for the spoken word, which is primarily caused by the resonance at the east and west ends of the church.  He has been recently at a church which has acoustic panels installed which are discreet and he suggests that a few similar panels located at the west end might work here.  IJ is investigating sources and costs.  JJ asked if the sound system provider had been consulted and CT confirmed they are one of the organisations IJ is talking to.
    3. APCM preparation –members were encouraged to think about who might be willing to stand for PCC and Deanery Synod.  It was agreed to include a flyer about the elections in the pew sheet during the run up to the APCM.
    4. Junior Choir – this had started last Sunday and there are further members to join.  The aim should be for it to become weekly rather than monthly and TC has offered the use of Vestry Cottage for their learning session.

LJ asked about the current position re Sunday School arrangements and HG updated about the Baptist church changes that are affecting this.

    1. There are a number of new people attending the church, a mixture of committed Christians and those newer to faith.  HG proposes that a group should be established for discussion/development in faith.  There are also several adults wishing to be confirmed.
    2. HG is preparing the board setting out all our projects and activities, and also starting on the spiritual pilgrimage materials to go at appropriate places around the church.
























A grant of £870 towards heating costs has been received from the GDBF.

Request has been received from Deanery Synod for the contribution to administration.  It is slightly more than budgeted for and this was noted and JJ will pay as requested.

He requested a change of date of the March PCC to 21st March.  This was agreed and MS will confirm to others.








Fabric and Churchyard

    1. Fabric report  - CT referred to the circulated report and noted particularly:
      • Work going on to improve porch room lighting
      • Church temperature seems to be too high despite the thermostat setting and the engineer will come and check once the electrical work has been completed.
      • Request from Parish Council about disconnection of floodlights from Vestry Cottage.  JJ will let MS have key points about the background of this as the basis for a reply.
      • Funding for the cycle racks has been granted.
      • Energy Footprint Tool is now being completed and EcoChurch actions are making progress.










    1. Appointment of new Parish Safeguarding Officer – a replacement person has been approached about this and is considering it.
    2. Approve updated policy - HG proposed and LJ seconded this and it was approved.  MS to send to JE for the website.






Deanery Synod report

MS reported back on the recent meeting and the topics covered.



St Barnabas, Box

Box congregation is appreciating having serious resources offered from Coral and Gerald and the projects that are being undertaken.



Electoral Roll update

217 – and JN will approach the new people in the coming weeks to encourage them to join.



Any Other Business

JN raised an issue from the Pilates teacher about the church floor being rather dirty and it was agreed to buy a large brush that the teacher can use to clean the area used before the class.

Request for barn dance – this was agreed but a firm statement of the boundaries of activities such as this is needed, e.g. no access to the choir, sanctuary and lady chapel, food and drink permissions or not etc.  This would be a standard list for such events.

JC asked about joint events with the Baptist church this year.  These will include Big Top service; Dawn Easter Service.

Collection for Syrian/Turkish disaster – agreed for three Sundays and included in the notice sheet.












The meeting closed with the Grace at 9.15pm


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