Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 28th November 2023 at 7.30pm in the Porch Room
Present: The Revd Canon Howard Gilbert (Rector and Chair), Revd Tracey Clements (Curate), Linda Jarvis (Reader), Angie Ayling (Churchwarden), Caroline Thackray (Churchwarden), John Jutsum (Treasurer), Margaret Sheather (PCC Secretary and Deanery Synod), Jennie South (Deanery Synod), David Goldsmith, Alison Wood (Deanery Synod), Judith Cleever, William Reddaway, Simon Ritter
The Rector opened the meeting with prayer
Apologies: Julian Elloway; Jackie Natt; Coral Francis
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 12th September 2023
These were agreed.
Matters Arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda
AA noted that fire extinguisher training has yet to take place and MBC did not wish to join with it.
Re the chair layout, JJ drew attention to the very wide central aisle at the back of the church at the moment. TC explained the reason for this and HG, the wardens and verger will discuss the optimum layout allowing for movement of mobility scooters
HG/DC/ wardens
Organ Appeal – Leonora Rozee attended
- Updating report - LR referred to her report and updated that £2,500 from Gloucestershire Churches Trust plus one or two other small amounts leaves a gap of £19,934. LR also thanked the other members of the working group: Howard Browning, David Thackray and David Wood. Scaffolding will not cost as much as allowed for in contingency funding.
- Completing the appeal – there has been a significant bequest of £20K and Standing Committee discussion suggested that this should be used to cover any remaining shortfall on the organ project and the rest to kick start the windows project.
- AA led a vote of thanks to AR for her excellent work in leading the fundraising.
- Arrangements need to be finalised for which instrument(s) will substitute for the organ over the coming year. The piano and chamber organ are satisfactory for normal congregational use but probably haven’t got enough volume for big occasions and concerts. The Amberley churchwarden has offered an electronic organ for use but it would need some additional speakers which would cost about £1,000. This can be arranged in conjunction with Amberley which will need similar provision in due course. The cost can come from the organ fund contingency.
TC proposed and AW seconded the proposed use of the legacy and the other financial arrangements to conclude the organ project. This was agreed.
HG proposed and JC seconded that we source the speakers etc to support the electronic organ and negotiate with Amberley about the funding. This was agreed.
HG noted the related issue of how to accommodate choir practice when there is a concert on a Friday evening. Suggestions were made re Box and Amberley churches and members were invited to make any other suggestions before the Worship, Prayer and Spirituality Committee meeting in January.
Rector’s Report
- Update re new appointment – a role profile has been drawn up and the Archdeacon has approved it. Interview date is 11th March and MS was agreed as the representative on the panel for MInchinhampton. Work is also starting to progress uniting the two new parishes legally into the benefice and then work out how parish share is handled. All involved are keen to be a benefice that works more closely together and ensure there are planned events in each church over the year.
- Approval of new communion assistant at Box – Peter Freake is now a regular attender at Box and getting involved in other church-related activities. He has previously been a communion assistant and PCC agreed to appoint him to that role in Box.
- Transfer of Reader licence to MInchinhampton - Nigel Warren wishes to have his licence transferred to Gloucester Diocese and this benefice so the PCC needs to agree this as the first stage. This was agreed.
- Letter of appreciation re wedding reception – this was a first attempt to provide a reception in the church and it went well. There has been a follow up meeting and some proposed criteria for future similar events will be brought to a future PCC.
- Confirmation is booked for 4th February with +Robert. Four adults for the classes and 3 or 4 children. An invitation has been extended to parishes across the Deanery to bring their candidates.
- Christmas tree – the tree at the west end of the church yard has been provided and decorated by MInchlife. We have been asked to contribute to the cost, as last year, when we declined. TC proposed and SR seconded that we contribute £50 in the interests of fostering good relationships, strictly as a one-off. This was agreed 11 votes to 2.
- Date for APCM – 23rd April 2024.
HG/LJ to pursue.
- Quarterly accounts – JJ referred to his report and identified several positive points in income. LJ added further detail about the amounts contributed from summer fete, lunch club and coffee mornings. Income overall is up by £13K on budget and £2.5K on last year. Query re location of contactless machine – to be resolved when the spiritual tour of the church is in place. Main overspend is on printing and stationery but much of this is the printing of service booklets which will have a considerable life span. Outcome is a surplus of just under £3K.
- 2024 Budget – JJ referred to his report starting with expected outcome for 2023 in which income on trend will be £15k up. This expected outcome would allow us to pay our full £47K for 2023 and this is shown in the outcome column. HG welcomed this as the Diocese is investing in this benefice through the new stipendiary post and we need to be working hard on our finances to reflect this confidence.
JJ then referred to the figures proposed for 2024. There is a huge increase in fuel costs and it is hard to know how these can be reduced. HG reported monitoring the temperature in the church which was as it should be but some congregation members don’t find this warm enough. In order to respond to this and to ensure lettings continue successfully it is NOT proposed to lower the set temperature.
The figure shown for Parish Share is the requested £50K, but meeting it would create a deficit of £13K. There are other future budget pressures such as the refurbishment of the Porch Room and kitchen and it is not clear how these can be met. LJ queried how fundraising should contribute to our ability to pay Parish Share and suggested there should be a percentage split on all fundraising. HG noted the intention now to progress the idea of a Friends organisation. These issues need a separate discussion.
Options for 2024 budget are: (i) increase income via contribution from Hub; (ii) cut costs and JJ not recommending this; (iii) reduce amount paid in Parish Share in 2024.
JJ proposed that we pay £47K this year and £38K next year. Agreed.
Fabric reserves are in a good position.
Thanks were expressed to JJ for all his work.
- Fee for verger attendance at events – discussions are proposing to increasing fees for concerts, particularly on Friday evenings. There are also some more demanding hirers looking for significant input from the verger and these will be asked for an additional fee which will be shared between DC and the church.
- Christmas and Easter charities – PCC members proposed a range of local, national and international charities for support. The majority choices were Marah, Children’s Society and Médicins sans Frontières.
Work continues
Fabric and Churchyard
- Fabric report – CT referred to the report and specifically to the need for work on the kitchen window leak. Wardens will take up with the contractor the work previously done by him. HG proposed and DG seconded authorising Standing Committee to agree up to £1K subject to discussions with contractor. This was agreed.
JN had asked for the thanks to be recorded of the hospitality group to the wardens for all their support.
DG expressed concern about the temporary blocking off of the north aisle floor sockets which he feels simply replaces one problem with another. We should try and establish where the condensation is coming from rather than focussing on the electrical issue. This was acknowledged and wardens will continue to pursue with the appropriate person.
- Health and Safety update and notice – CT reported amendments already made and invited further comments. HG expressed thanks for the work done on this
- Dark Skies and floodlighting - HG referred to the report prepared by a small working group which recommends not accepting the offer. LJ proposed and WR seconded accepting this recommendation and it was agreed.
- Churchyard report – tree labelling
- Disposal of last kneeling rail
Future agenda
Fairtrade and Eco-church
- Re-commitment as Fairtrade church –JS referred to her note and the need to re-commit regularly to Fairtrade and integrate it in whatever ways possible to the church’s life. It is now under the umbrella of EcoChurch to ensure the integration into the life of the church. This was agreed.
- Installation of swift boxes – agreed in principle to be progressed as possible via a faculty and checking the legal position about work on the church if the boxes are in use. JS proposed this and it was agreed.
- Update from Parish Safeguarding Officer – MS passed on a message from the PSO to be alert for requests to renew DBS checks and confirm training.
- Safeguarding Audit and Survey – the diocese and cathedral’s safeguarding arrangements will be audited in the new year and some people may receive a survey in preparation for this. Please do complete it.
Deanery Synod report
MS gave a brief oral report on the key items.
St Barnabas, Box
Continues on the same basis including significant events at key times. Building is in good shape. HG expressed appreciation for GS’s work at Box.
Electoral Roll update
Current figure is 211
Any Other Business
Communicating our vision to the church community – HG yet to progress this and now has some ideas about how to do it.
TC raised the need to acquire additional tables if we’re going to be having more events, possibly fundraising for them and having somewhere to store them. This will be followed up in the coming months.
The meeting closed with the Grace at 9.59pm