PCC meeting March 2024



Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 12th March 2024 at 7.30pm in the Porch Room


Present: The Revd Canon Howard Gilbert (Rector and Chair), Tracey Clements (Curate), Linda Jarvis (Reader), Angie Ayling (Churchwarden), Caroline Thackray (Churchwarden), John Jutsum (Treasurer), Margaret Sheather (PCC Secretary and Deanery Synod), Jackie Natt (Electoral Roll), Jennie South (Deanery Synod), Julian Elloway (Deanery Synod), David Goldsmith, Alison Wood (Deanery Synod), Judith Cleever, Simon Ritter


The Rector opened the meeting with prayer





Apologies:  William Reddaway;  Revd Coral Francis;



Minutes of the previous meeting held on 23rd January 2024

These were approved un-amended.



Matters Arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda

  • Final report on organ fundraising and thank you letter.  These were noted.  HG also noted that the Amberley organ will also need replacing before much longer and he is attending the ACC to discuss this on 25th April.



Rector’s Report

    1. There has been a good response to the 0.5 post for Amberley, Avening and Cherington, with interviews on 18th March.  LJ asked which house will go with the post if required – this will be Amberley.
    2. HG circulated a document “Things for church leaders to aspire to about their church”, for initial discussion and potential later use in further vision work.  An informal scoring process on each topic was carried out and an initial discussion of priorities for future activity followed.
    3. Transfer of Reader licence – Nigel Warren’s transfer of his Reader licence was proposed by HG, seconded by LJ and unanimously approved.



Annual Report for APCM

Need to add paragraph on Messy Church.

Detailed comments on the text to be emailed to MS






    1.  Annual Accounts - JJ introduced these, noting initially that it has been a good year for income generally, increased by more than £10K.  We paid the full amount of Parish Share requested by the Diocese, once the request had been reduced.

JJ expressed thanks to Linda and Steve Jarvis for the contributions the activities they promote make both to mission donations and general funds.  Over all, £6,972 has been sent to charities this year, with the largest amount to Masasi.

Costs have also gone up as shown in the report.  The substantial increase in printing costs was particularly discussed and how to reduce this.

There was a general fund loss of £2,400 in Minchinhampton, while Box has made a small profit partly because of a legacy.  However, reserves are at the required level.

JJ went on to note that the picture for 2024 is less encouraging, partly because of the loss of so many substantial givers over the last year, but also other pressures.  We need to think of ways to save money and also how raise new funds.

HG noted that with the expansion of the benefice there will need to be a discussion about how the benefice parish share is distributed among the parishes.  Marketing discussion is underway. 

PCC members to send comments on the text to JJ.

 JJ proposed and DG seconded the approval of the accounts. 

Thanks were recorded to John Jutsum for all his work.

    1. New treasurer - HG noted continuing efforts to recruit a new Treasurer and the possible need to split the role to enable it to feel more manageable.  Agreed to put a note in the Parish Magazine if the latest suggestion doesn’t work.
    2. Building capacity - JJ raised the issue of capacity and its impact on bookings, querying the current limit and its possible impact on income.  This issue needs to be further considered by the Rector, Wardens and Health and Safety Officer when there is the next big booking and the position then reported with full background information to the PCC.





























Future agenda


Fabric and Churchyard 

    1. Baynham monument – the report was noted and any further decisions will depend on whether the funds can be raised to relocate it.  In any event some good interpretation should be provided in an accessible place.
    2. Wooden door glass replacement - the report was noted and the wide range of costs from the two quotes.  The options were discussed, including options other than full glass replacement and the additional need for a longer bolt on the door to make it easier to open.  Agreed to get quote from Roman glass for all the panes and contact local carpenter about being available to do any resulting work on the frame that is required.
    3. Fabric report – this was noted











Belfry Maintenance 

The report reflects work done by Tony Natt and the Diocesan bell advisor which has saved a substantial fee usually paid to Tailors.  In response to a question from JJ, AA confirmed that this meets the required standards.




LJ raised concern about progress with DBS updates for the Pastoral Care Team members.



Deanery Synod report

As per the Annual Report



St Barnabas, Box

There were 20 people at the Mothering Sunday service including three families with young children.



Electoral Roll update




Any Other Business

  • The Community Choir raised £1000 for the windows fund in memory of John Walden.
  • The Welcome Information display is back in place in the narthex
  • JJ noted that people have stopped paying for the parish breakfast. To get a bigger sign, use the card reader and put a reminder in the pew sheet.
  • Judith Cleever thanked the PCC for work together during her time as a member.  The Rector thanked her for all her contributions.   



The meeting closed with the Grace at 9.25pm


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