Minutes of PCC September 2022



Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 20th September 2022 at 7.30pm in the Porch Room


Present: The Revd Canon Howard Gilbert (Rector and Chair), Revd Coral Francis (Curate),   Angie Ayling (Churchwarden), Caroline Thackray (Churchwarden), John Jutsum (Treasurer), Margaret Sheather (PCC Secretary and Deanery Synod), Jackie Natt (Deanery Synod), Ian Jarvis, Tracey Clements, Julian Elloway (Deanery Synod), Joan Goldsmith, Alison Wood (Deanery Synod), Judith Cleever.

The Rector opened the meeting with prayer





Apologies:  Linda Jarvis



Minutes of the previous meeting held on 19th July

These were agreed without amendment.



Matters Arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda

JJ asked about progress with the agreement of a funding contribution from the Hub.  HG reported that progress had been much slower than expected.  Legal advice has been received, but a draft agreement from the surveyors is still awaited.  This will be chased by HG and the Wardens.  There is still the opportunity for a mobile phone mast to be installed there which will help the Hub overall funding and therefore the potential contribution.






Rector’s Report

    1. Appointment of new Foundation Governor

MS spoke to the papers circulated and noted that this meeting is the first of two discussions to identify someone to nominate.  HG outlined the current position at the school and the continuing challenges of emerging from Covid and increasing numbers of children with Special Educational Needs.

Put notice in pew sheet.

    1. New Chair for the Hospitality group

Christina and Marilyn want to stand down from leadership at the end of the year.  CT noted that there is a meeting tomorrow when the role needs to be discussed, and CG should be asked to speak at a 10am service about the need.  There is also potential for it to be a “job share”.

TC has become Chair of the Fundraising Group.

    1. Update on church sharing with MBC

The idea of sharing worship at the November all-age service is not going ahead.

The two Sundays for sharing the building while the chapel roof is repaired are 16th and 23rd October.  A meeting is to be held on Thursday evening with key people to walk through the likely arrangements and spot issues to resolve.  Depending on how these two Sunday go, some further dates may be established in 2023 but no permanent changes made before September 2023.

It was agreed that it is important to ask for feedback on the two services – Welcome Group will devise a sheet if possible or Staff Meeting if not.  TC will arrange for a Suggestions Box to be made for this and more general use.

    1. Commemorating the Queen

All the arrangements generally went well, except, very unfortunately, the 10am service wasn’t broadcast on 18th.  It’s not clear why, but may have been because of a power outage earlier in the morning.  BBC Points West picked up some of our activities and is keen to continue the connection.

    1. Sculpture

Now agreed that it will go to Cirencester in November.




















Welcome/ staff




No new accounts until next month.

Organ builders have come back with some increased costs which may mean a total of £225,000.  However, the donations are now at £152,000.

One general Standing Order has been cancelled because of the cost of living increase.

Fundraising needs to be for General Funds, not just for projects, and TC is expecting this to be the case.



Fabric and Churchyard

    1. Fabric report - This was noted and CT updated that the work following the lead theft has been completed.
    2. Architect’s Quinquennial Inspection report and
    3. Electrical Condition report

These two major reports will be referred to the Fabric Committee to consider and prioritise the recommendations from both.  IJ is meeting Che from AJ Smith to discuss some points.

    1. Flagpole – to aim to have it repaired in time for the Coronation. 

It was proposed to go with the quote of c£1,100 to get a repair that makes it easier to maintain and then to approach the Parish Council about costs but also ask the congregation and community for donations in memory of the Queen.  HG proposed and CF seconded this approach which was agreed with one abstention.

    1. Churchyard Group Report   - this was received and warm appreciation was expressed for the work of the group.
    2. Wall repair – two quotes for the repair received, but the insurers for the responsible person probably need to approve.  JJ to write to EIO to ask them to achieve agreement to proceed quickly and the price.  WR provided a contact for a third quote.  HG proposed and IJ seconded that the wardens have approval to choose the right contractor having consulted EIG.  This was agreed nem con.
    3. Quote for pollarding lime avenue – AA asked for agreement to get the lime avenue pollarded which will cost £1,400.  AA proposed, JN seconded and this was agreed.























    1. Annual Report – this was noted with thanks to Deborah.
    2. Appointment of new Parish Safeguarding Officer – John Cleever has already started to do some work and training in preparation for working alongside Deborah so HG proposed and MS seconded him as the new PSO.  This was agreed. 
    3. JG raised continuing concern that Children’s Church staff are habitually working as single workers.  Suggested that people in the congregation are identified and approached to be available to join them.










St Barnabas, Box

Work getting underway by GS and CF as previously notified with Harvest bring and share lunch 25th September and Box Jubilee 23rd October Songs of Praise and further events for Remembrance and Christmas Crib Service.



Electoral Roll update




Any Other Business

TC has arranged for CR Signs rep to come and look at the churchyard to see where signs should go.  Once signs are up then further work can be done to correct the problems.

JN asked whether there will be a retreat this year.  Nothing fixed at the moment.  HG will take away for consideration.







The meeting closed with the Grace at 9.15pm

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