Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) and Vestry Meeting is taking place on Monday 25 April 2022 at 7 p.m. in the church. The formal notice of these meetings is now on the church notice board along with nomination forms for churchwardens and PCC members. Copies of the notices and the nomination forms are also on this website: scroll down to the foot of this page for links to them. Please think about whether you would like to offer to serve in one of these roles or who you would like to nominate. The formal business of the meeting will be followed by light refreshments. Click here for the agenda and here for the annual reports.
The churchwardens are elected annually at the Vestry Meeting as the senior laypeople of the parish and congregation. Their term of office is one year, and they may serve for up to six consecutive terms of office. There is a role description for these key posts and we ask candidates to provide a written statement about what they will bring to the role and submit it along with their nomination form before the APCM.
The role description is available from the PCC secretary, Margaret Sheather.
Parochial Church Council members
The PCC members are elected at the APCM. If you want to be more involved in the life of the church and parish, and have the chance to represent the congregation in decision-making, this might be the role for you. There are at least three vacancies; nomination forms can be submitted in advance or at the APCM itself. There is a copy of the nomination form immediately below.