'Minchinhampton with Box PCC' is registered with the
Charity Commission as charity number 1163940
The 6Ps campaign
Protecting the Past
Preserving the Present
Planning for Posterity
Our target is £1,250,000. To date we have raised £935,050, of which £425,000 was given by the David Thomas Trust.
The first phase of the major reordering of the church was completed in 2020. Fundraising is now focused on repair of the much valued organ and the stained glass windows, with activities including: events (concerts, plays, craft sales and charity auctions); grant applications; individual and corporate donations.
Organ Restoration Fundraising
In the summer of 2021 the PCC established a small fundraising group to lead a fundraising programme for the restoration of the organ in the church. Fundraising started in earnest in September 2021 by the small team comprising Howard Browning, David Wood and David Thackray, led by Leonora Rozee. Warwick Cole provided such expert advice as needed concerning the organ restoration process. The initial fundraising target was £205,000. However, by the time the contract was signed with the organ restorers, Messrs Goetze and Gwynne, in November 2022, the target had risen to £232,000, as a result of inflationary pressures. This target allows for the fixed price contract and a contingency to cover the cost of scaffolding and any other necessary related costs. The target has been reached and the fundraising programme for the organ closed at the end of December 2023.
Click here for an update and thanks
Sponsor the Rose Window
Holy Trinity Church has a striking collection of stained glass windows of which The Rose Window is the oldest and most vulnerable. The Victorian stained glass is by Hardman and Co. (1873) whilst the 14th century stonework is considered to be amongst the finest examples in the country of medieval ‘tracery’. The design and colour of the artwork, depicting bible stories from the Old and New Testaments, is magnificent:
A major reordering programme completed in 2020 has achieved a much drier atmosphere and constant temperature in the church consistent with the conservation of historic buildings making it safe to move on to the cleaning, restoration and protection from further decay of the windows. Close-up digital investigations of the Rose window have revealed much more serious and rapid deterioration of the masonry and metal work than was previously estimated bringing some urgency to the project.
Work to be done:
- Cleaning of all and removal of some glazed panels to allow for repair of crumbling masonry and replacement of historic plated repairs which are failing.
- Repointing masonry with lime mortar and cleaning the stone .
- Replacing rusting saddle bars with stainless steel.
Estimated Cost: £130,000
How can I help? by making a donation or sponsoring the Rose window.Please click here for a copy of the sponsorship leaflet.
Sponsor a chair
Twenty-five of the 300 new chairs remain unsponsored. If you would like to sponsor a chair(s) in memory of someone, to mark a special occasion, on behalf of a group or organisation, or simply to contribute to the 6Ps, click here for a leaflet.
Church running costs
It costs £3,100 per week to run the church, to maintain the building and church yard, and to pay for staff and their training. This money mainly comes from the generosity of those who regularly give through the Stewardship Scheme. In addition, funds are raised through collections taken at services, and from fees and hire charges for other uses of the building.
The church is mainly run by volunteers of whom an estimated 200 to 300 are involved at any one time: bellringers; music group and choir; junior church leaders; cleaning, vacuuming and hospitality teams; sacristans, servers, welcomers; the pastoral care and outreach teams; churchyard working parties; the flower guild. If you would like to know more about contributing to any of these activities, please contact the church office by email or on 01453 889004