Week beginning Sunday 2 February

Details of services are in the Worship section of this website (click here).
Prayer intentions from Anglican, diocesan, deanery and parish prayer cycles are also on the same worship pages.
For the calendar, listing everything happening each day, see the website Calendar (click here).
Other notices are shown below.

Donations are welcome for MARAH and the FOOD BANK. There is a collection point at the back of church.

COMMUNITY HEALTH CHECK at Brimscombe Mill, Wednesday 5 February, 10.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m. The Mill are hosting the NHS community outreach team. The team will be offering blood pressure checks and answering any health-related questions our community members may have. The confidential service offers people simple health checks, including blood pressure, and a space to chat about simple changes they can make to their lifestyle, such as stopping smoking, improving their diet or increasing exercise. We have disabled parking on site and good access for wheelchairs. No appointment is necessary.

FRIDAY LUNCH CLUB – The next Friday lunch is on 21 February and there are sign-up sheets at the back of the church to assist with catering, and those with specific dietary requirements. Further information, Stephen or Linda Jarvis 884545.

CHURCH WELCOME GROUP – Thank you to those who have already signed up to help offer a warm welcome on weekdays, maybe some refreshments, and be available for a chat. A meeting is taking place on Thursday 13 February in the Porch Room at 1.00 p.m. Those who have not yet signed up to help are very welcome to come to the meeting, to discuss ideas and the structure of the role.

WHEELCHAIR – Alison Wood has a hardly used, portable wheelchair to give away with a brand new cushion. If you are interested in this item please email Alison at alison@dandawood.co.uk

MBC VACANCY – Minchinhampton Baptist Church are looking for a Family and Community Worker to join their team. Please use this QR code to find out more.






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